The Complete Guide to Dealing with Poison Ivy


Poison ivy is a well-known plant that contains urushiol, a plant oil that can cause skin reactions if you come into contact with it. Even if you don't actually touch a poison ivy plant, urushiol can cause skin reaction through indirect contact. For instance through plant's oils on surfaces like gardening tools, camping equipment, clothes, pets' fur, or anything that had direct contact with the sap of poison ivy.

This plant can grow anywhere as a vine or shrub. It can creep along the ground, blend in with other plants, up fences, or trees. In this guide, you'll learn what exactly poison ivy looks like, what you should do if you touch it, how to protect yourself from this plant, and how to get rid of it in your yard.

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    Section 1: Treatment For Skin Contacted by Urushiol

    If you have come into contact with poison ivy sap, immediately remove plant's oil from your skin with soap and water. You can use products like Tecnu that help to remove the plant's oil from your skin. Do not scrub hard because you could worsen the underlying cause.  

    Take a shower rather than a bath because oil can get in the bath water and spread to other areas of your body. But if you are hiking or in an area where you don't have access to water, you can use Tecnu Detox wipes. They are formulated to remove oils of poison ivy from your skin immediately after exposure and they don't require water or rinsing.

    About Tec Labs (Tecnu):

    Tecnu products are formulated to prevent or treat skin irritation from poison ivy. They're also safe to use on children when used accordingly. Those products can be bought online or at your local drugstore. In addition to their other products, Tec Labs offers two different cleansers: Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser, and Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub. The only difference is that Tecnu original can be used with or without water and it can also be used to remove urushiol from tools, pets, or anything that has direct contact with the plant's oil.

    How to Treat Poison Ivy Rash

    If the sap has caused an itchy rash, you can get Tecnu Calagel or Tecnu Rash Relief Spray. You can also try an over-the-counter creams, like Ivarest cream. It serves as a soothing agent and promotes the drying of the skin to heal the rash. But do not treat the symptoms of a rash before you remove the rash-causing oil. Also, avoid scratching an itch because you could irritate your skin further.

    NOTE: Seek medical treatment in severe cases or if the allergic reaction is on the face or genitals

    Prevention Techniques

    Take these simple steps to avoid contact with poison ivy. Remember, prevention is the best way to avoid negative consequences of poison ivy.

    Use a Barrier Cream: As the name implies, skin barrier creams are specifically designed to provide a protective layer between your skin and any sap oil you may touch. Coretex IvyX Pre-Contact is one of the products that has been proven to protect skin from external irritants. 

    So If you know you'll be in an area with poison ivy, you can apply a barrier cream to exposed skin, such as hands, arms, and legs, before going outdoors.

    Cover Up: When exploring wooded areas, make sure to wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, boots, and thick gloves to avoid coming into direct contact with this plant. These protective clothing will create a physical barrier that protects your skin from coming into contact with the leaves or sap of the plant. 

    Section 2: Removing Poison Ivy Oil from Clothing, Tools, & on Pets

    Studies show that urushiol can stay active anywhere it lands for a year or more, and if it touches your skin, it can cause another rash. So if you suspect you've brushed your clothing against poison ivy, wash them separately in hot water with laundry detergent. You also use Tecnu Original that we mentioned above, or Purex Fels-Naptha soap. 

    Purex Fels-Naptha is a bar soap for laundry and stain removal. It contains properties that wash off the oils. You can even wash with it in the shower after doing yard work, walking in the woods, and possibly being exposed to poison ivy. Not only do these products remove urushiol from skin and clothing, but they can also be used to remove urushiol from tools, pets, etc. 

    NB: The oil from poison ivy can stick to a pets' fur and spread to you, but pets are not allergic to it.


    • Always keep Purex Fels-Naptha or Tecnu products on hand just in case you come into contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.

    • Remember to wear protective clothing while handling or washing clothes, tools, or any other objects that have touched poison ivy.

    Section 3: How To Safely Remove Poison Ivy Plants

    Eradicating poison ivy isn't a task for the fainthearted. It requires patience and knowledge to eradicate it. The primary methods of managing poison ivy plants are by hand pulling and using herbicides. If you use a herbicide to control poison ivy, make sure to choose the right product and follow all label directions and warnings carefully.

    When you're dealing with a small area, you can tackle the poison ivy problem by hand-pulling. Before you start pulling poison ivy, water the area to help loosen the soil. Moist soil makes it easier to remove the roots. Here is how you can safely remove poison ivy:

    What You'll Need

    Barrier cream

    Tecnu cleanser

    Disposable gloves

    Large plastic bags


    • Apply the barrier cream and then let it dry. 

    • Put on appropriate protective clothing including disposable gloves. 

    • Put your arms inside a large plastic bag and pull up the plant, then invert the plastic bag over the poison ivy. After that, you can seal the bag.

    • Repeat the process until you remove all the poison ivy you want to get rid of. When you're done, dispose of the gloves in another plastic bag.

    • Then immediately take a shower with Tecnu cleanser

    Warnings: Do not burn poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, and other poisonous plants. The oil gets in the air and can cause respiratory issues. 

    To Sum Up

    Now that you've learned the most important things about poison ivy, don't let it dampen your mood anymore. Let your gardening time, hiking, or any of your outdoor activities be more enjoyable by taking necessary precautions in managing poison ivy. The good part is that all these ideas also work against close relatives of poison ivy such as poison oak, and poison sumac.

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    1. Shower in cool water. Hot water will open skin pores and let in more oil.


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