
The Complete Guide to Dealing with Poison Ivy

  Poison ivy is a well-known plant that contains urushiol, a plant oil that can cause skin reactions if you come into contact with it. Even if you don't actually touch a poison ivy plant, urushiol can cause skin reaction through indirect contact. For instance through plant's oils on surfaces like gardening tools, camping equipment, clothes, pets' fur, or anything that had direct contact with the sap of poison ivy. This plant can grow anywhere as a vine or shrub. It can creep along the ground, blend in with other plants, up fences, or trees. In this guide, you'll learn what exactly poison ivy looks like, what you should do if you touch it, how to protect yourself from this plant, and how to get rid of it in your yard. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links with no extra cost to you. Learn more. Contents Section 1: Treatment For Skin Contacted by Urushiol If you have come into cont...

How to Get Rid of Ticks: A Comprehensive Guide

  Ticks are irksome arachnids and they just seem to pop up from everywhere. They can be found in a variety of places, from wooded areas, tall grass, hiking trails, in the garden, etc. And in order for them to survive, they need to feed on the blood. Sadly, they often attach themselves to humans and animals to get that blood they need. What's even more concerning is that some certain types of ticks can carry harmful diseases such as Lyme Disease. Therefore when it comes to ticks you must  always be armed with the right information for dealing with them. In this guide, we'll look at the most effective methods for getting rid of ticks in your home and yard. We'll also walk you through more detailed information about protecting yourself, your family, and your pets from these critters. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links with no extra cost to you. Learn more. Contents Section 1: Gettin...

How to Stop Rats and Mice from Infesting Your Home and Garden

  Rats and mice are small rodents that can be a serious problem in both home and garden. They can gnaw through important wires in your home or dig in your beautiful garden that you have put a lot of effort into creating.  When these critters are left uncontrolled, their population can get worse. Thus, it's important to take action to get rid of them. In this guide, we'll look at different methods of rat and mouse control. Continue reading to learn more. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links with no extra cost to you. Learn more. Contents Set a Trap Traps are designed to capture or exterminate rodents. Common types of traps include snap traps , live traps, glue traps, and electronic traps . All these are effective to get rid of rats and mice but the one to choose will depend on your personal preferences and priorities. For instance, if you want to catch a rat or mouse without harming it...

How to Get Rid of Squash Bugs

  Squash bugs are the most destructive insect pests of cucurbits like zucchini, squash, pumpkin, melon, cucumber, etc. They make gardening a more daunting task than you'd like. Their feeding can cause plant wilt, or even kill your plants. In this post, we'll look at effective solutions to get rid of squash bugs and the effectiveness of treatment vary by their life stage. For example, most pesticides don’t work on squash bug adults; but they only work on nymph squash bugs. Read on to learn more. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links with no extra cost to you. Learn more. Contents Method 1 of 3: Squash Bugs Eggs Removal Removing eggs is unfortunately overlooked when people try to get rid of squash bugs or any other bad bugs in the garden. However, that's where you need to pull up your socks. A female squash bug lays up to 250 eggs in a lifetime and eggs hatch in 10 to 15 days. When th...