The Complete Guide to Dealing with Poison Ivy

Poison ivy is a well-known plant that contains urushiol, a plant oil that can cause skin reactions if you come into contact with it. Even if you don't actually touch a poison ivy plant, urushiol can cause skin reaction through indirect contact. For instance through plant's oils on surfaces like gardening tools, camping equipment, clothes, pets' fur, or anything that had direct contact with the sap of poison ivy. This plant can grow anywhere as a vine or shrub. It can creep along the ground, blend in with other plants, up fences, or trees. In this guide, you'll learn what exactly poison ivy looks like, what you should do if you touch it, how to protect yourself from this plant, and how to get rid of it in your yard. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links with no extra cost to you. Learn more. Contents Section 1: Treatment For Skin Contacted by Urushiol If you have come into cont...